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What are ad blocks and how do they affect advertisers?

In recent years there has been a lot of talk about so-called ad blockers. But what does that really mean? And how does that affect advertisers and publishers? In this article, I try to sort out all the question marks.

What are ad blockers?

ad blocks

Adblockers, ad blockers, ad blockers or ad filtering. Dear child has many names. This is at least the case with the phenomenon that has become more and more debated in recent years.

Just as the name suggests, ad blockers are there to block ads, in this case, online. On the one hand, it can be about extensions that users themselves download to their browser to block ads.

In other cases, these may be browsers that stop some type of advertising by default. One of them is Google Chrome, which in 2018 announced that it would launch a built-in ad blocker. 

AdBlock – not to be confused with adblockers

When talking about ad blockers, AdBlock usually pops up. Something that should not be confused with adblockers. The former is the name of one of the most popular browser extensions that makes it possible to block ads. Adblockers is the general name used to describe this type of software.

How many use adblockers?

Exactly how many people use ad blockers is hard to say, as the statistics available can vary greatly.

34 percent of Aussies used ad blockers in 2018. Other figures suggest that the figure in some target groups can be as much as 40-60 percent.

How does it affect advertisers and publishers?

As you probably understand, these programs have a major negative impact on advertisers and publishers. Here too, on the other hand, there are shared opinions about how much revenue they are losing. According to a report by OnAudience, US publishers are projected to lose $ 15.8 billion in advertising revenue annually.

Exactly the extent to which publishers and advertisers are affected, both in Australia and the world, is difficult to say. One thing is certain, however – it is a significant impact in negative emphasis!

What options are there?

As more and more consumers have begun to use ad blockers, companies have also increasingly begun to reallocate their marketing budget to devote more resources to, for example, search engine optimization (SEO) . Native and inbound marketing are also other popular alternatives to traditional banner advertising.

Take our help

I hope you now have a better understanding of what ad blockers are, how they work and how they can affect publishers and advertisers.

If you wish to increase your digital presence and thereby create new business online, you can benefit from contacting us.


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