A question that we often ever received, but we still very often get is “how should I write for Google?”. 

Here is an answer to that question.

Previously, it was important to SEO copywriting and they used to talk about that 3-5% of the text would consist of the keyword / words attempting to rank for. It popped up company that started selling “SEO copywriting” and many companies wrote of his texts to try to get better positions on Google.

Much has happened internationally with the searches in the past year and also with the Swedish searches in recent months. Today the brand you sure that you get a lot of English results even though you seek in Swedish. Google has become quite good at translation and expect today to the Swedish understand English and that is probably why it shows English results.

Here is an example of two results that come up on the search, “vegetarian restaurants in New York City”

Something Google also started to get better is to understand synonyms. In a lot of searches, there is often not the keywords you searched for in either titles or text on the page.

Here are some examples from English searches where you see that Google marked the words they thought they were looking for.

Google.co.uk  Although we searched for “top” Google realised that the results with the word “best” in the works as well.

When we are looking at the “auto shipping”. What Google that it is possible to replace the word auto to “car” and “shipping” with “transport”.

Just try searching on “best films”, (becoming best movies) “dog pictures” (becomes Dog Photos) etc. to view other examples of how Google changes to a synonym.

A page rank as you know not only what is on the site without the ranks largely on how many links underneath to get to and what quality pages the links are coming from. But in these cases, we can clearly see how Google understands what you are looking at, and not just interpret the letter by letter.

So with the developments taking place, it seems as if the classic “copy on page optimisation” (thankfully) begins to disappear. It is always better to write for the reader, you write so that they understand and appreciate what you write you will still write so relevant that Google will find you.

That said,  we recommend you to be sure to get the keywords on the page, which you can still often get naturally, use up not of words or jargon that you only use internally or within the industry. What we recommend is to write a text SEO as the first priority and readability as other prion.

Here you can read more about the most important tips on page search engine optimisation .

Have you seen how Google interprets synonyms of Swedish searches or other interesting results? Have you somehow started writing for Google? Please write a comment!

Have a good day!


SEO Expert

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