Do you add big sums to sponsor links and internet advertising without getting back what you want? With the right idea, you can improve the performance.
A very important factor is the landing page. Thus, the page visitors end up immediately after clicking on an ad. The better this page is, the better your ad will have. In other words, the landing page is the ad, the advertisement you pay for is only bet.
Unfortunately, there are no simple recipes. What works for you can only be found by trying out. On the other hand, one can learn from other people’s mistakes and conclusions.
Cardinal error 1 A is to send everyone who clicks to the website’s homepage. This page is rarely the most appropriate and the risk that a paid visitor clicks the back button becomes imminent. You should also not send the visitor to the general “our services” or products. You should send them to a specially-written page, which is an extension of the direct message that the ad had. The visitor should immediately find a link to what the advertisement promised.
Some concrete tips:
Clear and short-lived texts. A professional copywriter can be worth its weight in gold.
The headline should respond directly to the promise of the ad text.
Have clear headline and intermediate headings so you can blink through the text quickly.
Have a good offer, time-limited campaign or the like.
Ask for a response! Surprisingly often, something as simple as calling for action can be what makes the visitor actually do it now and not later.
You buy on feeling and not reason. Do not forget it.
Pictures. A picture sells. In addition, it may arouse the little interest that is required for the visitor to rehearse the text over the last few years. But make sure it’s good quality and not distracting from the message.
Do not despise empty spaces in the design. Sleek design is easier to overlook.
Do not despise red as a signal color on eg. buttons. Even green is said to be good but red is better. At least, a number of experts seem to agree on this.
Trust is A and O. Build trust with satisfied customers, warranties and right of return. Link eg to email policy that promises you do not abuse or sell the customer service. Nobody wants (more) spam.
Have a response form directly on this page. If you have multiple offers, check boxes or similar to simplify for the customer to explain what interests her. Please, however, ask for the lowest possible information. It is difficult to fill in irrelevant information.
Keep it simple and do not require the customer to think, look or actively do anything other than respond to the ad.
Make sure the customer can answer in other ways than via the form (phone, fax, direct email).
Have good routines on how to handle the responses that come in to get fast answers and good relationships.
Measure and evaluate!
Do not necessarily restrict yourself to a landing page. Have one per ad. Or, rather, have two per ad. Control the ad so half of the click goes to one, the rest to the other and compares the response. Consider why one is better and improve gradually.
Search phrases and keywords
Since basically all sponsor links (Google AdWords in particular) are based on search phrases and keywords, you should customize the landing page accordingly. The more specific a search is, the more specific the landing page may be. If the customer has searched for “ski merchandise for children”, you should preferably have a landing page that sells just the ski merchandise to children. It may sound obvious when you say this, but some work is needed to get it done. Especially if you have many search phrases. Create a direct relevance to what the visitor clicked on.
Careful with superficial sales phrases
In some cases, it has been reported that for clear sales phrases, the customer can ignite. For example, words like “Buy”, “Add to Basket”, “Order” etc can sometimes be exchanged for more enticing phrases like “Try Free Now”, “Download” or “Try Now”. This is very vague, so if and what works for you and your target audience, you can only try it out.
Caution with involuntary multimedia
Shaky multimedia like video, audio, and animations can turn on ignition if they start unexpectedly. But all of course depends on the context. It may seem annoying if suddenly audio is output from the speakers or a video begins to roll, how naughty it may seem. I definitely do not advise, just say you should be careful. An annoying customer may not be a customer (longer) and web surfers can be ridiculous sometimes. Take care too long tough loading times.
Keep it simple!
Why should the graphic form be complicated? To adhere to the design manual? To seem more professional? To work well thought out? To get a lot for the money? Be simple and straightforward. Do not worry about it.