Just a few days ago , Google confirmed that they implemented a new, great update in their “main algorithm”. But what updates are you doing and how does it affect your site and its positions in search engines? 


Google Search Quality update


What is a “core update”?

What was announced a few days ago was a so-called “broad core update,” which could best be described as an update in Google’s main algorithm. Updating is not new, but this happens hundreds of times a year!

Some things happen in our knowledge, such as search engine and migration to a mobile first index recently, while others are done without our knowledge. What is common to all these updates is that they fulfill a specific purpose and Google is usually open to them, but when it comes to a so-called core update, it’s different …

In these updates, there is usually a tweak or change in the main algorithm itself. In other words, it means, for example, that you can change the weight or order in the current ranking factors, which in turn can cause many to experience unnatural position changes:

Google Broad core update

Whenever individuals in the industry start to discover these unnatural position changes, wild speculation and discussion of any updates that Google has made occurs. So was the case this time too …

Google’s announcement

Many times you do not confirm that you made updates in the main algorithm, which you did this time. In some ways. A vague acknowledgment was made on Twitter whose purpose was to:

  1. Confirm that there has been a change in their main algorithm.
  2. Confirm that the change is great.
  3. Communicate that the goal of this update is to provide users with better search results.
  4. The websites whose positions have been adversely affected have not done so due to lack of quality.

With that said, this was the announcement made by the search giant on Twitter:


Google Announcement


Then Danny Sullivan from Google followed up the confirmation with the following tweets:





So what should you do if there is nothing to do? Wait!

The fact that there are changes in positions, especially negative, is nothing unusual about this kind of updates. That the best thing you can do is wait is also logical, given that in most cases a correction is made to overcome these negative and incorrect position changes.

Something like Danny Sullivan also confirmed in a tweet in March :

“We will refresh our systems, but there’s also nothing specific for you to be improving for that.”

Therefore, if you noted negative position changes in the last few days, it is most likely because of this update in the main algorithm. Most likely, however, you will experience a return to normal within a few days!


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