Google Plus Pages for businesses

What is Google+ and how companies can use it?

Google+ was launched as a new social network in June 2011 and today, the platform has more than 400 million users, of which 100 million are active each month.

Despite this impressive growth can not yet really comparing Google+ to Facebook now has more than 1 billion users, but there are still many reasons to be present there with his company.

Ever since its inception, Google+ was open for people to share their experiences with people in their circles, participate in discussions, share photos, and participate in video calls conferences (called Hangouts). In early November 2011, even companies the ability to open pages on Google+

“We want to help you create the kind of lasting relationship with your customers online, the way you can in real life. Video communication is one way to make this possible “- Dennis Tropes, Product Management Director Google+ Pages.

Google+ lets companies create pages and developing future relationships on several levels with customers. People can add your company to a particular Google+ circle, sharing a business page with his plus network, and interact with the content posted by the company.

For example, users can +1 (or in other words, support) updates a company publishes, leave comments, upload photos and tag now in them.

One interesting thing about this platform is that of the so-called. Hangouts feature , companies can engage with followers, customers and potential customers through video conference calls. Video chat is definitely the single feature that distinguishes Google+ from other existing social networks.

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Ten short key facts about Google+ pages

  1. Pages (pages) can not add people to circles before the person himself added to the page or mentioned it.
  2. Pages can be created for a variety of activities, while profiles can be created only to individuals.
  3. The default setting for every post on your business is public .
  4. Google plus pages stop automatically follow you if you stop following them.
  5. Pages have the +1 button.
  6. Pages can not +1 other pages and can not +1 content on the web.
  7. Pages do not receive notifications about events via email, SMS or via the Google bar .
  8. Pages do not have the opportunity to share the “Extended circles” .
  9. With local pages, customers can find the company’s physical location.
  10. Google plus pages can not even mention you if you are not connected to the network!

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Get started with Google+

  1. Select the appropriate Gmail account , or create a new one. Avoid creating your page with someone’s old account, such as a personal Gmail account. Instead, choose a Gmail account, which is accessible to multiple members of your marketing team (eg and use that account to create your page. Google+ has now made it possible for multi admins on one side and the changes of ownership but use from the very beginning an adequate and easily accessible address,
  2. Go to Google Plus business pages , and when you see the option to create
    a Google+ page, you are almost running! Follow the wizard (it is much like Facebook’s guide to creating pages) and select the most suitable option to classify your business.

    You can choose the following Google Plus Categories

      • Local business or place.
      • Product or brand.
      • Company, institution or organization.
      • Arts, Entertainment or Sports.
      • Other.

    Once you’ve chosen category, please fill in your basic information, including your page name (ie company name), your company URL, your industry and the classification of the content (ie, whether it should be visible to all Google+ users 18 years or older, etc. ).

  3. Customise your public profile. In the profile, include your company slogan and a picture (your company logo is a good option). Keep it short and concise, yet descriptive.
  4. Go out with a hand to the public. Now that you have created your page’s skeleton will Google+ invite you to share it with the world. The best is if you personalise your page further and starts to share some updates before you tell the world about it. Launching a blank page is a good way to convince people that your side is sufficiently valuable to add to their circles, so invest the time to optimise your page and share some links to valuable content before you launch it.
  5. Optimise more. Follow Google + instructions to create an effective site, and remember that Google+ is a social network. All social networks have their specific functions and user behaviour but many basic rules still apply; ie share fresh content, react and respond to your followers posts and comments. Be engaging and optimise for conversions. Then, measure the results, adapt your strategy and optimise your presence based on your own individual performance and targets.

How to use Google+ optimal for your business

  • Share photos. Updates with individual photos is a large and important part of Google+. Think about your business and marketing visually. What pictures, charts, or shooting, you can share on Google+ to get started conversations and increase the viral spread of content? Google+ is built to share pictures, so use it as best you can.
  • Add recommended links. In the “About tab” on your Google+ page, (go to and then press the “edit profile”), you can add the recommended links on your page. Add links to major blog articles and offers that drive traffic and create conversions for your business.
  • Promote your Google+ page to your website and other social media.To get the real benefit of Google+ for your business, you obviously get there a collection of people who can engage with your content. To get people to add your Google+ page to their circles, you should link to the page on the sites where you already have visitors; For example,
    on your website, blog site, or to its other social media accounts.
  • Encourage followers to share your content . When you post a message, photo or link on Google+, you need not be ashamed to ask your followers to share your content with the people in their circles. Just like many ask followers on Twitter to “please retweet”.
  • Analyse traffic and conversions coming from Google+.
    So, work Google+ actually good for your business? To determine this, you need to look at the traffic and conversions that have come through your Google plus page. You can do this by checking the analysis tool for traffic from to your website.

Can your presence on G + improve your ranking in Google’s search results?

Google+ is owned by Google, so the answer is: of course. Google + pages dominates the search results. If your followers support (+ 1aR) your posts, it is a voice that creates credibility with Google and it will
help your SEO (Search Engine Optimisation). Google can also see how many friends you have in your circles, and can assess your popularity thereafter. Are you popular, the chances for you to rise in the search results for relevant searches in the search engine. Learn more about Google+ and SEO .

Why would / should a person use Google+?

What do people online? Is there really room for this social media? Why would a person want to use Google+, really? Hangouts, and the ability to collaborate easily with others is cool, but it undoubtedly greatest argument for using Google+ circles. Unlike other social networking built Google+ with the unique idea that different groups of people prefer different content. Think of it this way: the same messages that you share with your closest friends, you do not share with your boss at work. The friends can be in a circle and head in another with other people. A person can be added in several different circles.


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