Glossary of Google Adwords

Glossary of Google Adwords from SEO Expert Melbourne is an introduction to Google Adwords and explains the most commonly used terms in Google AdWords and online advertising.

Ad Group

An ad group is part of the AdWords account structure. Each ad group defines a set of keywords or placements (or both), default (or individual bids and positions) and the associated ad. Campaigns may include up to 20,000 ad groups.Successful Adwords accounts typically have many ad groups that focus on specific themes. The relevance of the keywords in the ad text for each ad group is an important factor when Adwords makes its calculations for quality results.

Ad rank

An ad’s ranking of your ad, your place in AdWords bidding. The highest-ranking ad wins the first place, and thus the first position on the page. The formula to calculate Ad Rank is: Ad Rank = f (Quality Score, maximum CPC bid).


AdSense allows owners of web sites to show AdWords Ads. AdSense is part of the so-called “Google Display Network”. The publisher of the ad earns money on a visitors view or click on the ad. The showing an ad from the content of his side, 68% of the sum that Google draws from the advertiser. Anyone who chooses to display ads through a search box that can be put on its side gets 51% of what Google brings in the ad. Visit Google Adsense.

AdWords Application Programming Interface (API)

Allows developers to program applications that directly interact with Adwords.
These applications enable efficient management of complex AdWords account. The API can automatically produce keywords, dynamic ad text and landing-page URL, integrate data warehouse systems and developing custom tools for managing accounts. AdWords API SOAP interface is supported by many programming languages, including Java, PHP, Python, .NET, Perl, Ruby and JavaScript.

AdWords Certified Partner

Not Google employees who hold a certification to manageAdWords account. To qualify, partners must demonstrate a deep understanding of AdWords by passing various exams and handled 10 000 USD ad cost (My Client Centre) for customers in the last 90 days. Partner companies must have at least one employee certified and approved Google’s general terms and conditions. Certified partners can be found through Google Partner Search.


Adwords is the name of Google’s advertising platform. There is no such thing as a “Adwords” if anyone any reason to believe it.

AdWords Editor

A standalone application that makes it possible for advertisers to manage their AdWords account offline. It contains several advantages over web interface, including the ability to store backups, edit ad groups and easily identify duplicates. SEOTree using the Adwords Editor.

Automatic placements

A placement is a place on the Google Display Network where AdWords Ads can be displayed.A placement is usually a website or a page on a website. Automatic placements are identified by Google, based on the keywords in an ad group. Adwords applies contextual targeting to identify suitable locations for display ads.

Bounce Rate

Bounce Rate is the percentage of visits that only goes to a page on the website.

Bid Simulator

A AdWords function that calculates auctions from the last seven days to show how a keyword could have occurred with a different MAX CPC bid. The bid simulator uses internal auction data including the quality scores to estimate where your ad would appear and how frequently it was clicked with another bid. The simulator estimates the click, cost and number of screenings for Google search and its search partners, but not to the Display Network.

Broad match keywords

By default, AdWords match set to this position. A broad match can trigger an ad when a person does a search that exactly matches the keyword, or if there is a sentence that contains the keyword.The search also takes with synonyms and word in the singular and plural.

CPA bidding

CPA stands for “Cost Per Acquisition”. This bidding model is available for advertisers using the Conversion Optimiser, which allows setting the maximum or target CPA for each ad group.Maximum CPA sets an upper limit which advertisers are willing to pay for a conversion and target CPA puts the average cost that advertisers are willing to pay for the conversions.

CPM bidding

CPM means “cost per thousand impressions”. This pricing model is only available for ad placements on the Google Display Network. Advertisers choose the amount they are willing to pay for thousand impressions of your ad.

Dual Display (policy)

The policy for dual displays will prevent multiple ads from the same or a jointly owned company will appear on the same search results page. To comply with the policy, advertisers must avoid showing ads from different accounts with the same or similar keywords that point to the same or similar sites.

Exact match keywords

A match where the ad appears only when the search exact match keyword – letter by letter. To enter an exact matching keyword list so use brackets around the word, then [keyword]. To this ad to be displayed must therefore someone to type the exact word “keyword” in the search.

Phrase Match keywords

A match that allows ads when that exact keyword is entered, but allows the words typed in before and after the word. To enter a phrase, write this: “keyword”.

Frequency capping

A function that limits the number of times your ads appear to the same person in the Google Display Network. With a frequency cap can set the number of views per day, week or month and whether it should apply to ads, ad groups or campaigns.

Average cost per click (CPC)

The average cost each time someone clicks on an ad. Average CPC is determined by the total cost of all clicks divided by the number of clicks received.

Average position

Statistics applied to each keyword and indicates the average position of an ad on a search results page (SERP) triggered by that particular keyword. Position 1 is the highest position on the first page of search results, related to other advertisers. It’s no bottom position. Keywords with an average position of 1-8 generally appear on the first page. Keywords with an average position of 9-16 generally shown on the other side or on. A gen.pos of 1.6 means that the ad normally appears on the first or second place. The average position is not static but varies depending on various factors which includes the key word that shows the ad is a factor.

Google Analytics

A free web analytics that show how people have found a web site and what they have done there.Google Analytics can be integrated with Adwords and then view the activity on the site that come from specific campaigns, ad groups and keywords.

Google Display Network

An advertising network that enables AdWords Ads to show their ads on web sites, ads known as placements. The network accepts text, image, video, and “rich media” -Ad format. Advertisers may include placing ads for keywords, topics or specific pages.

Google Account

A single email address and password used to access multiple Google services like Adwords, Gmail, Alerts, Apps, Analytics, etc. Do you have a Gmail address, you already have a Google Account.

Managing Placements

Specific sites or pages on the Display Network where ads can appear. A campaign can be set for both automatic and managed placements or restricted only managed placements. This campaign setting found in the setting for the network. Placement Tool found under the “Tools and Analysis”.

Impressions (Impressions)

Number of times an ad is displayed, whether clicked or not.


A campaign is part of AdWords structure. Each account can have up to 500 active campaigns. Paused or deleted campaigns will not count towards the 500. Campaigns control administrative settings such as the region in which ads are displayed, the language of the people who you appear to speak, what kind of units to be displayed for and daily budget.


A click is counted when someone clicks on a Adwords Ads after a search or when someone visits your page by clicking on an advertisement on another side of the display network. A phone call that comes from someone clicking on the number in the ad displayed in a mobile device is also counted as AdWords click. With PPC (pay per click) model, advertisers pay when someone clicks on the ads.

Click Through Rate (CTR)

The CTR (Click Through Rate – CTR) is the number of clicks an ad receives divided by the number of times it appears (impressions). CTR is the single most important factor when Adwords quality score is calculated.

Cost per click (CPC)

CPC means that advertisers pay for a click on an ad, usually at a cost that the advertiser decides.CPC also known as PPC (Pay Per Click).

Customer ID (CID)

A ten-digit number used to identify an AdWords account. CID can see in the upper right corner when using AdWords. When using the MCC (My Client Centre) to see the customer’s CID (when Client ID) in the left corner and a manager’s ID displayed on the right.

Quality score

There are several parts in an AdWords account that generates quality score. The counts most is the keyword level. Each keyword in an AdWords account has its own quality score. It is a dynamic variable calculated each time a search keyword match. In an account that is represented by the numbers 1-10. The higher the quality score, the better it is. Points 7 to 10 are super, ok 5-6 and 1-4 means you may have problems to win the ad auction. Quality Score is used in the auction to assess Ad Rank and cost per click.

Landing Page

The web page Google-seekers come to after clicking on an ad. Landing Page URL is filled in when creating an ad in Adwords.

Match Type

There are several matching options to your keywords to check which searches can trigger your ad.The options are: broad match, phrase match, exact match, and negative match.

Maximum cost per click (Max CPC)

A bid in an ad auction that is the maximum price an advertiser is willing to pay for a click on an ad.

Maximum cost per phone call (Max CPP)

Available for advertisers using Call Metrics. Max CPP is the highest price an advertiser is willing to pay each time a visitor manually dialed Google forwarding that can appear in ads.

My Client Centre (MCC)

A free ‘umbrella account,’ which is used to manage multiple AdWords Accounts. The MCC uses a single login which then can access to manage multiple accounts, view statistics and view reports for multiple accounts. MCC administrators can create new accounts and link existing AdWords account to their MCC. MCC is a requirement to become a certified AdWords partner.

Destination address

The Web page that people land on after clicking on an ad.

Negative keywords

A word or phrase that prevents an ad that appears when the word is in it as search query. Ad groups can contain up to 5000 negative keywords and campaign up to 10 000th


A keyword is a word or phrase that makes an ad is displayed. Keywords are limited to ten words and 80 characters, including spaces. An ad group may contain 5,000 keywords, including negative keywords.

Networks and devices

A campaign setting that determines where in AdWords network ads. In the network, you can choose from Google searches, search partners, and the Display Network.


After a click on an ad leads to a desired behaviour of the visitor, it is a transformation. Conversions are the best tool to measure the success of advertising. Examples of conversions are an online purchase, a subscription to a newsletter, that a form is completed and mailed or download.Advertisers can track conversions with conversion tracking found in the Tools and Analysis menu, or you can set up goals in Google Analytics.

Conversion Rate

Conversion rate is the number of conversions divided by the number Ad click. If you use the method that counts all conversions, the conversion rate to be over 100% because more than one conversion can be counted per click. You can measure conversion rates using Conversion Tracking, and then take the frequencies to help you make decisions about your advertising.

Conversion Cost

The total cost divided by the number of conversions.


The Conversion Optimiser is a free AdWords feature that manages CPA (cost per acquisition). This feature allows you to set maximum CPA bids for your ad groups to which Google says: save time and leverage your advertising costs in the best possible way.

If you want to start using the Conversion Optimiser, you must enable conversion tracking and campaign must have received at least 15 conversions in the last 30 days.

Pay-Per-Click (PPC)

PPC means that advertisers pay for a click on an ad, usually at a cost that the advertiser decides.PPC is also known as CPC (cost per click).


Places on the Google Display Network where ads can appear. Investments include Web sites, special pages on a website or individual ad units.

Return On Investment – The return (ROI)

ROI is the ratio between the cost of advertising and the profit generated from conversions. ROI indicates the profit your business gained in comparison with advertising costs. To calculate ROI, take the revenue from sales, subtract your advertising costs, then divide by the total advertising costs: (Revenue – Cost) ÷ cost. To get the best results from AdWords, it is important to determine the ROI for each keyword through conversion tracking, Google Analytics, or both. Once you know the value of each keyword, you can bid strategically focused on the best performing and remove bad investments. These adjustments can help improve your ROI.

The search network and search partners

A search network available for Adwords Ads and consisting of a group of Web sites that use Google’s search technology. What search partner varies but now include, Virgin Media sites and Google projects such as Google Maps, Google Images and others. Ads have shown for keywords and text ads only are allowed. The only exception is advertising on Google Images where text ad can be displayed along with an image of 160 × 160 pixels. To show ads on search campaign must also appear in Google searches.


Is a technique to automatically update your ad text with keywords from your ad group. The technique is also called Dynamic keyword insertion (DKI) and “Wild Card”. To use the insert you put a tag in your ad text where you want the word to be displayed when the ad appears.

Text Ad

The main type of AdWords Ad is a text ad that appears on Google search, search partners, and the Display Network. Text ads can contain up to 25 characters in the headline, two description lines of up to 35 characters each, and a display URL max 35 characters. The real URL can contain up to 1024 characters.

Top-ranked ad

Ad that appears above the Google search results. To qualify, the ad must obtain a special quality points.

Estimated bid for the front page

An estimate meant to show advertisers that bid required for an ad to be displayed on the front page of Google searches. The estimate is based on a query that matches the keyword exactly. It takes into account the key word quality score and competition.

Display URL

Website URL displayed in an ad.

Impression Share

Impression share is the percentage of impressions you received divided by the estimated number of impressions you were eligible for. Eligibility is based on your current ads’ targeting settings, approval statuses, bids and Quality Scores.

Display Ad Builder

A tool in AdWords where you will find templates for the manufacture of image and video ads.Advertisers select a template and modify the contents of text, images and links.

Display method

A campaign setting that determines how quickly ads are shown each day. The default setting allows your ads appear as evenly as possible within the budget framework over a 24 hour period. With accelerated delivery method to display ads as quickly as possible until your daily budget is spent.

Change History

A feature that shows changes made to an AdWords account, all the way back to January 1, 2006 if you have had the account so long. You can sort the changes by when it happened, or what sort of change that occurred. If several people have access to the account shown who made the change.


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