Over 80% of the purchase of goods or services is caused by a Google search. If you do not see Google on the keywords that are relevant to what you offer, it also reduces the likelihood that they will choose you. In this introductory article on onpage search engine optimization, we will have a broad and […]
What is YouTube? YouTube is the world’s second largest search engine and a video community that in September 2016 had over one billion users. On the portal, users can search, watch, engage in and upload different videos. The video clips uploaded are from amateur filmmakers to private individuals, ambassadors, companies and foundations. Why should you use YouTube for […]
What is display advertising? Display advertising briefly means that you will be able to view different content-based websites – with clickable ads of varying formats and sizes. Using smart targeting based on, for example, topics, interests, audience, or keywords, you also see that you only see sites that you find relevant to your audience. Flexible, smart and […]
Get started with our guide! Using Google Tag Manager is becoming increasingly common among both marketers and IT specialists. A smooth service where you can handle measurement tools and analytics without interfering with web developers. In this article, we explain what Google Tag Manager can help you with. We also offer a guide on how to set […]
Distribution of Responsibility: Who should optimize content? Search engine optimization (SEO) and content marketing have a strong tendency to coincide, sometimes it can be hard to actually realize that these are two completely separate approaches in the SEO world. Stoney deGeyter from Search Engine Land means in his article ” Who should optimize content: SEOs or content writers? “That the similarities lead […]
In today’s society it is critical for all companies to have a competitive website, the hard reality is that if you do not see you, you are not. Whether you will renew, improve or get a new layout to your old site will ensure a large number of people attend the planning stage. Of course, these […]
The basic premise of search engine reputation management is to use the following three strategies to accomplish the goal of creating a completely positive first page of search engine results for a specific term…
Video content is one of the more popular methods of reaching out to customers. In fact, some studies have shown that internet users prefer video content over other methods, with video content making up the majority of internet traffic now. If you want to join the club of video content, you have to know how […]
That one on one way or another should work with video marketing is probably the most experienced. But how do you do it? Here is a very brief introduction to get some inspiration. There are many different ways to make a video. It has never been cheaper and easier to themselves put together a video. […]
How important is the interaction between UX design and SEO? When we work with a new website, we sit often a big team with everything from key people in the customer project managers, developers, writers, UX designers and SEO specialist. A team where everyone has their “musts” and its recommendations to be reconciled with each […]