SEO SEO Guide Web design

Best WordPress guide : Ultimate WordPress web design Guide for beginners

If you already manage a site or plan to build one, you probably have heard of the WordPress publishing tool. Perhaps you have a hard time understanding it? Then you’ve come just right! In this article, we thought about going through everything you need to know about the WordPress publishing tool. 

Wordpress Guide

What is WordPress? 

Before we deepen the subject, we thought to start by finding out the most basic – namely “what is WordPress?”.

wordpress website

As mentioned earlier, WordPress is a publishing tool that allows you to easily create and manage a website or blog. It is undoubtedly the most used CMS system on the market and by the end of 2013 , 19% of the network’s entire sites were run through WordPress . Nowadays, that figure has risen to 31%!

WordPress is one of the most popular platforms for many reasons, but above all it’s the difficult user friendliness and versatility that paved the way for the immeasurable popularity. To sum it up, WordPress is a great platform to use if you want to build and manage a website or blog!

How much does it cost?

Another common issue when talking about WordPress is “how much does it cost?”. However, there is no simple answer, but it simply depends on the type of website you want to create.

The actual publishing tool is free to use and you can also create a free website, provided you use a WordPress domain (, and you use a free theme.

However, if you want to build a more professional site with your own domain name and theme, it costs. Exactly how much may vary greatly depending on whether you only make adjustments to a free theme, buy a finished theme, create your own theme, or transfer work to an agency.


How do I start using WordPress?

So, how do you start using this amazing publishing tool, you might enthusiastically think?

Getting started with WordPress is easy, but there are a few different ways to go. The first option is to browse their website ( ), where you can easily create your website or blog, buy domains and fix solutions on your own server.

Wordpress website free


Another option that is also easier for most (especially beginners) is to go directly to a web host that offers so-called one-click installations of WordPress. This way you can easily purchase a suitable domain for your website, get a server, and start using the WordPress publishing tool for this. WITH ONE ONE CLICK!


Step 2 – Choose a theme

Once you have installed WordPress on your new site, it’s time to choose a theme. If you are going to use an existing theme, let the choice take time. Choosing a theme that suits your business will take time and nothing is done in a few minutes!

Wordpress theme selection

It’s tempting to just install a theme to save time, but it will take longer to change. When performing search engine optimisation (SEO) , we usually say that keyword analysis is the foundation of successful search engine optimisation . Equally important is choosing from the very beginning when creating a new web.

Do you have to use an existing WordPress theme?

However, everyone does not choose to create a new website through an existing theme. It’s also good to tag a template from scratch. The advantage of this is that you get it exactly as you want it and you only use the features used.

In an existing topic, there are usually things that you will never have a scope for. There are both advantages and disadvantages of using an existing theme. One major advantage of using an existing theme is that you spend a lot less time creating the new website.

Step 3 – Start publishing content 

Once you have installed the publishing tool and selected a theme, it’s time to start filling the site with first-rate content. By default, there are two different types of content – mail and pages .

When you create blog posts or news (posts), the entries are always created chronologically. You can change the date to sort the posts. Unlike posts that should be live, pages like more static pages on your site are used. This may include service, about us and contact pages.

To create a new blog post, go to posts> create new , alternate posts> add new

Create wordpress post


To create a new page, go to pages> create new , alternate pages> add new 

Create wordpress page


Tip: When working on a new website, it is important to consider the link structure, especially if you want to work with search engine optimization. The links in your URL according to your company name are called permalinks. Google wants these links to be short and easy to understand. Numbers and strange characters do not think Google is about. If you want to rank high in the search engines, we also recommend that you include your keywords in the URLs.

Step 4 – Install Plugins (Add-ons)

One of the reasons why WordPress is so amazing is that you have the ability to install so-called add-ons or plugins as they can also be called. You could say that they work as apps, which you install to access new features like:

  • Contact form
  • photo Gallery
  • Maps (such as  Google maps
  • Improved security
  • Opportunity to link your site to Google Analytics

To start installing the plugin, simply navigate to add> add new , where you can explore tens of thousands of add-ons. Both those who are free and those who cost money:

Add WordPress plugins


Step 5 – User Rights 

As we have mentioned before, WordPress is one of the most common platforms used for both websites and blogs. To limit and have a clear structure in its installation, you can set different rights for different users.

Should you put an administrator at all?

We do not recommend setting all users as administrators. Ask yourself what users will do on the installation. Should they change the layout of the page? Or should the user just post new posts? We will try to figure out the questions about the rights in WordPress. Below are all the different rights and what these mean.


All subscribers can read and write comments. Subscribers can also receive newsletters as well as the rights to edit their unique user profile.

The employee

All employees can edit and post posts. The limit for employees is that they can not publish the actual entry.


An author can both write, edit and publish own posts. However, they can not edit other posts made by other users.

The editor

Being an editor means that you can write, edit and delete posts as well as pages. The editor can also approve, delete or edit both pages, posts and comments. The editor may also publish new new categories and any links on both posts and pages.

The administrator

Managing Administrator on a WordPress installation generally means full rights. The administrator can add, edit and delete themes and extensions. The administrator also has complete control over all users. The administrator also controls the content as pages and content on all pages, regardless of the bay user who created the content.

Other WordPress tips

As you may understand, WordPress is an extremely large tool that contains many features. To cover all these in a guide is therefore impossible. The absolute best thing to do is to click around the tool on your own, so you will learn the most. We therefore recommend our customers to familiarize themselves with the platform.


Below are some more general WordPress tips:

  1. Make it easy for visitors to share your posts by email, social media or other platforms. Distributions spread your text and if there is any benefit in the text, everyone earns a share. There are several plugins that make it easier for visitors to share your posts.


  1. A security tip is never to use the username “admin”. Robots and c botts are more likely to attack your blog if your username is administrator or “admin”. Using the wrong username means that you may risk entering a website for unnecessary security risks.


  1. Do not share your password with others. If someone needs access to your site, it’s better to invite a user with a separate login.


  1. Please use relevant titles and descriptions that are both selling and informative. These will be the first points that a potential visitor will encounter when they find your pages via a search engine. For this we recommend the addition Yoast SEO .


  1. Also organize your library so that no unnecessary is there. A library in WordPress is where the pictures and all media files are located. No one wants a heavy side and therefore it’s good to sort out and remove things that are not used.


  1. Make sure your plugins are up to date. Plugins can be cannon-brained and are often a smart solution to make your website more unique and more functional. But it is also important that these are kept up to date, like any other software.

We hope you now have a better understanding of what WordPress is, and how you go about using this amazing publishing tool. If you want to deepen your skills further, you can take part in our SEO earning Centre!

If you wish to help build a professional website, you are also welcome to contact us on SEO Expert Melbourne. 



SEO Expert

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