If you are interested in helping companies make more money from their internet presence and are passionate about marketing and the internet then you can get a job as an SEO (search engine optimisation) consultant.
There is a large shortage of qualified SEO consultants and it is one of the professions where wages are now being raised the most.
Many SEO companies are screaming for qualified SEO consultants and the SEO market is growing so it is cracking. It’s no wonder when most people use Google to look for services or products and the search engine optimisation done right gives a very high ROI (Return On Investment) to the companies.
What is Search Engine Optimisation?
Search engine optimisation is about understanding how Google works to get better positions with its website.
You select the search phrases and keywords your potential customers use, make sure you get good positions on Google on the search phrases, and then optimise your site in such a way that potential customers also become customers when they land on the site. If you want to get a longer introduction into what search engine optimisation is, read about it here .
Then you become an SEO consultant
You cannot “become an SEO consultant” by plugging into universities; there are (yet) no pure SEO courses on search engine optimisation. However, you can plug marketing, digital marketing and the like.
Search engine optimisation is something that is constantly changing and it is important to constantly keep up with it and perform tests yourself for what works.
A common misconception is that search engine optimisation has to do with web programming / building websites. You do not need to be able to program although it is good to have basic knowledge of how to build and design a website.
Personally, I studies Masters in Creative Digital technologies with a major in Search engine optimisation. I focus on web, digital marketing through tout my masters.
1. Learn the Basics of Search Engine Optimisation There is a lot of information on the web about search engine optimisation.
Google makes about 600 updates to its algorithm every year so search engine optimisation is something that you have to constantly study and keep up to date.
- To begin your journey to becoming an SEO consultant, I recommend you read Moz’s beginner’s guide on SEO first and foremost .
- Then go ahead and look at these 58 sources , where you will find lots of good info.
- I also recommend the SEO book which is a massive SEO course, lots of videos and a good forum. The price is $ 300 a month but it is well worth the money.
- Here are some sites that are great for finding the latest information on what’s happening in the SEO world.
Here in our blog we also have some SEO guides and news about search engine optimisation and internet marketing.
Here is SEO course from our Agency. We want to inspire and educate interested people.
2. Join communities, Talk to other SEO consultants, ask questions, answer questions, exchange information. There is a very large variety of different communities to join, but check out LinkedIn, Twitter and various forums .
3. Learn the basics of WordPress.
WordPress is one of the most popular CMS systems for web pages today. Here’s an introduction: Learn WordPress Even if you don’t need to know this perfectly (it’s the job of web designers and web programmers to build websites), it’s good to understand the basics of how it works and learn which plugins are good to use for SEO , eg Yoast.
4. Put your knowledge into practice
When you know the basics of how search engine optimisation works, you want to get practical and test your skills as quickly as possible. Pick out some keywords and search races that you want to try to get good positions on.
While search engine optimisation is much more than taking good positions on Google, it is also about knowing which keywords and search phrases are the most lucrative and then working on conversion optimisation to convert new visitors into customers. But a large part of the work is to take high positions on Google in a long-term and good way.
5. Seek internship or trial job at an SEO company.
SEO companies are always looking for good SEO consultants who are driven and passionate about what they work with.
Contact them and show how you ranked your sites on Google and explain how you did, what you learned, etc. Ask about getting an internship at the company or ask for a probationary position. During the time as an SEO apprentice, you will learn more and more and can eventually become junior SEO, senior SEO or Head of SEO.