Dear child has many names. It’s not easy to keep an eye on everything when it comes to digital, especially when it comes to the terms webpage, website and website. It is not entirely logical what all concepts mean, but we will try to help you differentiate between the terms!

webpage website homepage

Explanation of the web page

The term “webpage” usually accompanies talking about a specific page on a website. However, we usually use the word webpage as work name when we create a new website for a client.

Example : The link / page is a webpage on a website.

Explanation site

The term “website” is the most correct name according to us and should be used more often than it actually does. The meaning of the term is a company’s focal point or base online.

Example : All content on is a website . It does not have to be a link because it is not the link itself.

How often the search term is used : 1300ggr / mån

Explanation website

The term “website” is the most common of all of them, but also the term most misunderstood. The term comes from English’s “home page” and has been directly translated to the Swedish word “website”.

Example : is an example of a homepage. This is the first page of a website.

Summarization : The term “website” is used most frequently, but the correct description should be “website” when talking about a company’s hub or base online.

Should you have a website or website?

Now that we have gone through the different concepts, we thought about why it might be good to use a website.

A webpage / website is the first to come into contact with a company or organisation. It has since been 7 seconds to make a first impression on another person. We think that on is equally important when you get to a webpage / website. Below are some direct benefits we see:

  • Contact information for your company
  • Ability to drive traffic through digital marketing
  • Possibility to create a good first impression
  • Service to your customers
  • Merchandising and complementary products / services to your customers

Update or build new website / website

Have you started looking closer to building a website or website? Or you might want to update an existing page? Here are our tips that you can follow when planning and producing a new website.

To build the website correctly

Planning. The reason for very good things lies in well-planned planning. In planning, we usually set the primary goals your company has for the new website / site. The important thing is to work towards the goals and not hovering away in small details. Again, what are your goals with the project?

Budget. You can set a budget in both time and money and if you have the knowledge of your company and are planning to make the website / website itself, you can set a budget on time. How much time can you spend to complete the project. If you intend to use an external SEO agency, you will instead put a budget in money.

Sketch. Before we start producing a webpage, we always start sketching how the structure of the webpage looks like. Although editing a web page and a digital sketch is relatively easy, it is always faster to sketch the framework on paper. This is called wire frames. It acts as a visual map and clarifies the layout in a good way.

Production. When the above steps are complete it is time for production. We strongly recommend that you follow the objectives of the project. In this way we stick to the plan and we do not hover into detail. In some projects we have tended to get caught up in small details that have taken forever but as the client does not reflect so much over when it is ready. It is therefore better to constantly ask the question; What we do right now – it takes us to the final goal of the project.

Website price

What determines a webpage’s price? This is a very common question we receive from our customers and customers. You can make a website / website at a very low cost. You can also create a website for hundreds of thousands of dollars. Usually we usually spend 1-2 weeks on a regular production. To put a price on a webpage, we need to know a little more about how extensive the project is and how many hours it takes for the project.

We start all our projects with a start-up meeting where we review the needs and goals of the new web. Then we work on the steps above; planning , budget , sketch and production .

If you need help on the way to creating a new website, you are more than welcome to Contact us


SEO Expert

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