Why content on your pages need to be maintained
Although it was once carried a perfect search engine optimisation on your website, it’s unfortunately not enough. If your site ends up on the front page of Google today, it does not mean that the page ranks as high tomorrow.
In fact, with the Web’s diverse nature and the constant influx of new web sites so the risks are high that your site drop in the rankings as time goes on. If you do not constantly take care of the maintenance of search engine optimisation is to say.
Your competition develops. If you think that the competing web sites do not care about the changes you make, it’s wishful thinking. Your biggest competitors will react to your changes with updated content, updated layout and search engine optimisation.
Many competitors will improve their sites no matter what you do with your site. The thing is that the competitors using the same keywords that your business will be developed and enhanced as, which will lead to your search engine rankings will fall – surely.
You get new competitors. There are very few industries where no new companies entering the market. New web sites will be daily, from some companies that are small and amateurish and others are big and professional. Unless you are in a very small, very sad and very stagnant business, you can most likely expect new competition in the future. Competition that will impair your search ranking.
Your customers develops. It happens. Your customers are getting older or more sophisticated, they might begin to make more money, or perhaps less money. Their tastes change, their budget and their changing lifestyle change. That is, they begin to look for, and then search the web for something beyond the ordinary. As their needs change, so even begin your site that are increasingly not show up in search results.
You need to change along with your customers or get left behind, after all, this is actually not the menu at McDonald’s the same today as it was 20 years ago.
Your customer base is shrinking and when you are in a really bad situation. Customers not only developed, but leaves you. Product stops rarely in development; what if the number of customers who want your product decreases? You need to expand the product range to attract a broader group of customers, which also means significant changes to your website.
The search engines are changing the way they rank sites.
Just when you have your site optimised for Google, Bing and Yahoo, it changes one of the major search engines its algorithm searches. You wake up one morning and realise that your site collapsed in the ranking of Google’s first page down to the fifth page! Something in their search algorithm has changed, and you need to figure out what it is and update your site then, or perhaps never get any high ranking in Google.
With the above points in mind, you need to constantly keep your site’s search engine optimisation updated to maintain high search engine rankings. You simply can not afford to plummet in the rankings. – Even the fall of traffic to the site and the collapse in sales can be devastating.
Learn more about our service for maintenance of search engine optimisation.