Search Engine Optimisation for startups

It is difficult to find such a cheap and effective marketing form that SEO is for your start-up. Depending on what industry you are in and how high the competition is so a well optimised website with the right link strategy to get very far.

The ultimate is to start SEO before your site is built, but it is not a must and can often make the process of getting the site takes longer if the web agency is sufficiently versed in SEO. Whether you already have a live site, or if it should be so, hope that this guide can be very helpful.


We will specifically address Google because it is Google that is by far the most used search engine. Much of what is written here, however, is applicable for the search engine to Bing and Yahoo.

Among other things, this we will go through:

How Google actually works
-The most important thing you can do on your site to rank high on Google
-How link building works
-boron to blogging and how do you do?
How you get your visitors to become customers

First a little quick background on how Google works:

Ever since Google was founded in 1996 (Google 1998) that have looked at how many and how good internal links is to position a site which was one of the reasons that Google worked so well and was such a big search engine . But of course, Google looks at much more than that when determining which position a site will receive.

Google’s algorithm is controlled by about 200 different factors, Google are looking at what is happening on the site and the domain, which SEO’s call “on page”. These include how quickly a page loads, what is at hand, how easy it is to navigate, if it contains any errors, if the text is unique so on. The second part is called “off page”, which is about 70-80% of the algorithm, this looks to topple Google deal on how to get inbound links from other sites and how famous you are on the Internet in other ways.

Off page part is the hardest part of search engine optimised but with a good on page optimised site and a small dose of off page, you will most likely be well before the competitors do not have search engine optimised their site or done it without reflection.

Here is a video from Google about how Google works:

Tools and general setup:

 www/ non www 301 redirect

If you are running wordpress, this is very probably already arranged from the beginning.Otherwise, it is often the case that a site is to enter both the www and without www.

It is important that you decide which address you want, and then do a 301: a (permanent forwarding) from one address to another. Google sees namely otherwise your website as two different domains which is not good. I usually generally recommend that you run without the www but there are many large companies have chosen to still use the www.

If you already have an older site that already had some inbound links to it you can with the help of Moz tool  (for Chrome) to see which of the various domains that are strongest.You look as if it is the www or without www highest PA / MR, it is the one to choose and make a 301 a from the other.

Get feedback directly from Google – Webmaster Tools

Install webmaster tools here . In Webmaster Tools, you can create an overview on the website and also receive important notifications from Google. I recommend that you click around a bit and see what information you can get.

Help Google navigate with sitemap

Upload it to your website and submit it to Webmaster Tools. You can create one here .

Keep track of what your visitors are doing – Google Analytics

The best free tool for keeping track of what’s happening on your web site’s analytics .Here you can see everything from how many visits your site received to how long they stayed, what different sub-pages they spent time and where visits will.

You can also set up different experiments where you can test which of your different sub-pages work best.

For those of you who have WordPress

It does not matter to Google if you use WordPress or any other CMS. However, I recommend WordPress because there are many good plugin and it’s very easy to update, very simply become law very easily.

These three plugins should use to WordPress:

*SEO yoast
*Google sitemap generator
*W3 total cache

Step by step – how to get more customers from Google

What is your goal?

There are many goals you can have with a site, which is yours? Do you sell anything directly on the page, you want to collect email addresses, you want to get visitors to fill out a form, signing up for a newsletter, etc.?

In order to proceed with the search engine optimisation, it is important to have a goal so you know which keyword phrases you should target.

What would you like to appear on?

When you make the site search engine optimised as it should be divided in the right way so that you can generally get a better visibility on many search phrases. But it is still important to identify the most important keywords. When doing keyword research, you should consider / examine two different things:

1. What chance is there that the person seeking to complete the goal you set?
Consider how your potential customers are looking for, use the same words you use, how likely is it that they are looking for exactly what you offer? To take a simple example, a keyword like “bicycle” is often a bad keywords as it is very wide, a person who applied for it may be looking for anything – eg to get information on when the bike was invented.Better Keywords are eg “red bicycle” or perhaps “red bike mountain bike” or even “red mountain bike 24 gears Stockholm”? This is known to go after the “long tail” and “buyer keywords”.

2. How many searches on search phrases?
If you choose the keyword “red mountain bike 25 gears Stockholm hand with a small red flag in the back and flashing decks” so the probability is very small that you get a few visits from Google. At the same time, so that about 20% of the searches done on Google NEVER ever been done before, which shows that people use many words in their keyword phrases, and it is not possible to obtain statistics on everything.

A tool you can use to get an estimate of how many people are searching on a search phrase and get suggestions for related keywords is the Google Keyword Tool , it is not possible to rely on the tool to 100% then it does not really work for phrases with many words and it does not give exact figures, but it is among the best and easiest tools available.

Another way to find keywords is to look at what Google suggests when you start typing a word or look at the bottom of the page on Google where there are suggestions for related searches.

Once you have identified your main keywords you should look at how tough the competition is on Google on the keywords. Thought that Google gives different results on the country you are in, especially when it comes to the English language: is the United States, England, are Australia, etc.

There are sophisticated ways to find out how the competition looks but the easiest way is to think logically – (eg how many competitors are there?) And watch for Web sites in the search results have made their undersides on page optimised for the keywords. How do you do when your site on page optimised? I’ll tell you now.

Need to write for Google?

A common question many usually have about search engine optimisation is whether the text must be “SEO custom”. The short and simple answer to this is: No, you should always write the text for the user and not try to cram in keywords and keyword phrases in it. But you should, of course, in the places that airports use the words that the users themselves use when they are looking for, then do not use jargon that only you or your industry use.

Previously, it was popular with SEO copywriting, and you used to talk about that 3-5% of the text would consist of the keyword / words attempting to rank for. It popped up company that started selling “SEO copywriting” and many companies wrote of his texts to try to get better positions on Google. So it’s something I do not recommend, but write for the user.

Something Google also started to do better is to understand synonyms. On a lot of searches, there is often not the keywords you searched for in either titles or text on the page.

Here are some examples from English searches where you see that Google marked the words they thought they were looking for, it thus swaps the auto and car shipping to transport and “top” with “best”. Here, Google has clearly understood the synonyms. In general, however, it is still the case that any Google shows results with the actual words in the titles, text, etc. but it is important to know where Google is heading.

Google Hummingbird

Something that is highly relevant regarding this is Google’s new algorithm “Hummingbird”.On 27 September 2013, Google made the biggest update of its algorithm since 2001, one can say that they simply replaced the entire engine.

If you have previously searched for eg “dentists in Los Angeles” so searched Google through its index and identified the words “dentists” “in” “los angeles”. But because users nowadays are increasingly seeking, “which is the best dentist in Los Angeles?” As Google tries instead to understand the context of the search query instead of specific search words. Google wants to really understand questions and give answers, this is something that is constantly changing.

Here you can read an FAQ on Google Hummingbird if you are more interested in:

Start a blog

The reason for this are many, but mainly two: drive more traffic to the site and brand building.

In the blog, do not just write about what is going on now, although it’s good to get such messages occasionally. Share with you instead of guides, answers to questions, etc. about topics in your industry. You can also broaden yourself properly, a shop selling children’s clothes do not just write about clothes but can write about activities for children, tips on destinations for families with children, etc. to drive traffic to the page.

You can also, answering questions, the easiest way is to select 10 common questions your end customers often ask themselves and write a response to each question. A company that makes fitness apps can write posts with answers to questions such as “How often do you train?” “What gainer is the best?” “How do I calculate my BMI?” And so on.

One tip is not to fixate in their industry without too much thinking, “Who is my widest audience?” So that you not only captures those specific searches for exactly your niche. A company that sells products to children is therefore families as its target audience, therefore, one can write about kid-friendly tourist destinations and how best laws spaghetti with meat sauce in child fit. A mixture of both niche and broad post is good.

You then design the blog entries as I described above and on page keyword research so that the contributions have a chance to pop up on Google, especially if other links to them.

With this said, it is important to keep in mind not to write content for content’s sake.”Content Marketing” is something that has been great lately and many believe that they have given the effect that we had a lot of bad content on the web and it makes people in general are reluctant to read more posts.

Pumping out content for the sake of contents and hope that you get a good visibility in the search engines do not work but content with high quality associated with SEO is very powerful.

Conversion Rate Optimisation

Now, when you got lots of new visitors to the site who obviously found you after being Googled. How to now convert the visitor? What is the purpose of the respective bottom?

You want the visitor to sign up to a newsletter? Do you want them calling you? Do you think they start reading your blog?

Conversion rate optimisation is a mighty big subject and very important for your website, there are very many good websites that deal with the topic but we just want to quickly touch it:

The basis of conversion optimisation is that it creates a good feeling for the user and to clearly explain what results the customer can expect the service / product both emotional and concrete. What I mean by that is that you should have statements on the page that looks something like this: “Our customers have saved an average of $150 per month (concrete) and is much more relaxed than before (emotionally).”

Make sure that most of the pages have at least a “call to action”. It need not be the same call to action, it could then be detected on tedious for the visitor. A call to action can be anything from the text invite the visitor to move on to another bottom to have a big box where it offers the visitor a white paper for free download or ask them to turn her his phone number.

Add also the photos and images in places where it fits. Consider mixing images with text so that the text breaks off at times and not so HEAVY reading.

If you want to get more advanced, you can A / B test your various landing pages with Google Analytics Experiment. You can then test and see which of your landing pages are performing best.

For those of you who want to immerse you in conversion optimisation / copywriting, I have four great tips for you, but it is how much good any time online at Video with Derek Halpern

Off page

Then we come to the hardest part of search engine optimisation, namely off page.
Google looks and evaluate much of what is happening outside your site to determine what position you get on Google. The vast majority of what Google is looking at is how many links with good quality, you got to your site and where they come from.

I will not go into detail about how to do this then it is a very large area and often not a man that startups have the time or resources to deal with yourself. But there are a few things you can do to easily get links.

First, I just want to say that the best way is to make sure you have a good service / product and great content on the page so people automatically want to link to your page.But it is usually not in the very highly competitive SEO industry.

* Use Open Site Explorer or to see what links your competitors and others in your industry get to it. See if you can also get links from there.
* Identify if you can get links from pages industry, from suppliers or from the forum is about your company. On the forum you can go in and help people, answer questions, and for example have a link in your signature.
* Mail / contact people in your industry and ask them to link to your content.

Among the best links you can get a link from a blog post from a very strong domain that is in the same niche as you, and where the link goes TLL bottom right and with the right anchor text. So check with friends and acquaintances if they know bloggers who might write about you.

If you start building links then think always quality for quantity, and do not use the same anchor text all the time without mixing it.



Hope this guide to search engine optimisation  for startups been helpful and good luck with your start up! Connect me at Linkedin @

Have a really nice day!


SEO Expert

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