In this blog post we will go through 5 things that people hate to have on their website and also guide you on how to do it right. 

Stock Photos

That you have photos on your web site is one thing. A picture says a thousand words, and this is true whether it is a good image or a bad image and to use the stock photos are among the worst thing you can do. Especially US stock photos, because no one knows that it is genuine. While Americans generally does not US stock photos.

So never use stock photos (at least not on people), but take your own photos or ask any designer to do something good. You can find cheap designers such as


“Search engine optimised” text

Few things are worse than a website that has text just because you want to try to rank better on Google with it. The time is long past when the search engines looked much about how many times the words are mentioned in the text. You should always write to the user first. It is all too often they appear on sites where you tried to name their keywords 15-20 times in a text of 300 words.

Stuffing text full of keywords looks very unnatural, both for the user and for Google. With that said, it is obviously good if you use words that your customers are also using, it is the other side of the scale too: companies who write with such a “formal text” that their customers would never think to look so. Here you can read more about the subject about ” SEO copywriting “.

That you do not have a blog

You do not have a blog , but people want to see that your site is updated. It is disappointing to enter a site where you have no idea about prices or services and offers valid for 2010 or 2015. A blog also reflects the personalities behind a website and it is an easy and great way to get the visitor to think about the people behind the company.

If you feel you have a good product or service, so I really recommend that you blog on subjects related to it so that you can educate your visitors and get them to know you. As I heard somewhere: A blog is like an “about us” page after a few beers. You really get to know the person behind and it’s more relaxed.


Best way to write a blog is that you not only write about things you have done in the company without any around different topics, you can help your customers. You can read more about writing a good blog here .

You are using Flash

That the 2015 are still sites that use Flash is not okay. Is not much more to write about it, but if you have Flash, so it is just to make the site directly. With Flash, you can not Google index your content and to have Flash on the page that loads slowly and look “flashy”, giving out nothing good impression. We recommend WordPress.


There is no or a bad call to action

Unfortunately it is all too common for a site does not have a clear call to action, meaning that you do not know what to do on the side. It can, for example was a shop where you do not know how to proceed after you put something in the basket, or a page with services where it is not clear what the next step is. What do you want the user to do? Call you, email you, write up for a newsletter or something else? Here you can read more about how to create a good call to action .

 What do you hate on websites? Share in the comments below.


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